Tuesday, December 30, 2008

New Year's Eve Eve

Today is New Year's Eve Eve. I already have my resolutions all worked out and well, so far so good. Number one was to BLOG! I quit keeping a journal when I realized no one was going to read it until I died. Also, I think I will try to exercise more, lose weight, and make my boyfriend quit smoking. This is a weird time of year. People (me) do crazy shizzle to celebrate in new ways never before seen and that shouldn't be tried at home or with alcohol involved. For example, a few days ago my dog jumped off a second story balcony straight into my step-mom's Christmas tree.

AND last New Year's Eve I was sloshed on cheap champagne by 8 PM. My boyfriend, roommate, and I assembled a pile of leaves composed of 23 (previously) bagged trash-bags full of (previously) raked up leaves. On top of a mattress. And proceeded to fling ourselves off the roof into it. Some of us in heels. Others holding our bottles of New Year's Cheer. It's what happens when school's been out for 4 weeks. This is the reason why the government mandates education. Not so much for the education but rather to ensure a limited amount of bored youngish people flinging themselves off of buildings.

This year I'm eating a lot of peas. And playing Scrabble. And will probably stay up later than last year's whopping 12:01. I watched the ball drop between moans....