Monday, February 16, 2009

Meet Hobo

Nothing really happened today, but yesterday I bought a new computer. Hence, I must blog on it. AND update my passwords, watch internet TV, wikipedia (used as a verb, by the way) "Scientology" for the umpteenth time (and save it to my favorites) look at all my photos--so that I can see how good I look in HD--and buy something off of Amazon.

My new computer's name is Hobo. Because he tramps about with me and siphons wii-fi, he's a hobo. So, blog followers, meet Hobo.



  1. 'Ello Hobo! :D
    Scientology - hehe....haven't we "researched" that one to death for fun? lol
    What is HD?

  2. High Definition....that's fancy for "prettier image on yo' screen"
